Photo Ideas

I really enjoy this picture. It has a certain eerie feeling to it. Usually, I'm not a fan of photographs that are perfectly symmetric, but this one is very successful. The combination of both vertical and horizontal lines makes the composition great.


Photograph by Mindy Atkins

I really enjoy the angle and decisive moment in this photograph. The orange beaks really pop against the earth tone background. I would love to be able to take a photograph such as this one.


Alyssa Andrew Photography

I love wedding photography and I love silhouettes. This photograph combines both of those! I love the framing of the Bride and Groom. There's just enough amount of light coming in to make out the small details in the chandelier and chairs. These photographs are very successful because of the composition and lighting.

Short Depth of Field

Les Jones

Matt Elliott

The Star Wars photograph was actually done using a free application for the iPhone. I really like the look of a shallow depth of field because it puts the emphasis on one particular area.


Thomas Leuthard

Street portraits can be more meaningful than actually street photography if they are done well. The above photograph is a perfect example of a street portrait. While street portraits are still considered street photography, a street portrait is similar to a traditional portrait, only in a street setting. I love the composition of this photograph as well as the expression on the man's face. He looks as if someone keeps bothering him when all he wants to do is finish smoking his cigarette.


Photographer- Rudolf Vicek
September 2, 2010 Prague

I chose this photograph because it reminded me of some of the photos that I took on the West end of Oneonta. I really like this particular reflection because it almost looks like a silhouette instead.

Alison McCauley

This was quoted on the flickr site: "When you hit that wall of utter frustration while photographing the street, when you are beyond tired and just want to give up, keep on walking - for another hour, or until the light goes entirely. Often the best photographs come when you least expect them - when you are the most exhuasted, and the most emotionally vulnerable." - Alex Webb

This photograph really captures a few decisive moments. The girl looking at the camera in the bottom left frame, the man bending over, and the placement of each grouping of subjects. Had the photograph been taken a second earlier or later, the framing of the photograph would not have been as strong. I thought that this was a great example of street photography.


Kara Olney
Fort Myers Beach, FL

Marco Boeringa
"Siena at night time", Italy

This photograph demonstrates very unique lighting. The shadows that the light is creating is so incredibly interesting. Even though these conditions are very lowly lit, the picture loses no detail.


I really enjoy the composition of this photograph. Even though the main subject is dividing the frame, the photograph is still visually interesting. The diagonal line of the palm tree keep the eye moving throughout the picture and the horizon line divides the photograph in an interesting position.

First Place
Stephanie Sinclair

This photograph has a lot of great color. The main focus of the photograph are the young girls in the foreground. The plates hanging on the wall are slightly out of focus. This works because I feel that the plates would draw the attention away from the girls if they were all in focus. The colors are so vibrant, that it makes for a very interesting photograph. This keeps the viewers eye moving throughout the picture. The composition is well-balanced. The plates in the background balance out the girls toward the bottom of the photograph. The shapes between the girls heads and the plates make very interesting negative space. Overall, this photograph is very successful because of composition, color, and lighting.

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